Mike Spier

Design Innovations

Before I took the position of Sports Editor of the Cardinal Courier at the beginning of the Spring 2007 semester, the sports pages did not have standings of our sports teams included on them. An example of this can be seen on the bottom most picture of a scoreboard page from November 2006.

By the fall of 2007, I instituted standings into our pages as well as a sleeker-looking calendar.

As you can see by the design that is closest to the top (10/15/08 scoreboard), I integrated the standings and the calendar, which made it more condensed. The gray and white alternating bars made the text easier to read and follow.

To view larger PDF - Scoreboard 10/15/08

Courage bowl


To view larger PDF - Scoreboard 10/3/07

Courage bowl


To view larger PDF - Scoreboard 11/15/06

Courage bowl